Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I think I either lost a filling or cracked one of my molars. At any rate it's very sensitive to cold. Hopefully it will be ok until after the baby is born.

They are putting the siding on the house across the street today. Guess what color it is, guess...You're right, tan. My house is still the only house back here that is not some shade of tan.

I finished the Anne Rice book. It was really good, but so different from all of the vampire books she's written. I hope this book leads to another. Now I think I'm going to read the newest David Sedaris book. I still need to find my box of unread books. It's downstairs somewhere and I looked for it a couple of months ago and couldn't find it. I need to have Jason go down and move some boxes around for me.

I have a regular doctor's appointment tomorrow and I need to stop at Babies R Us on the way home because I have some stuff that I have to get before the baby is born. I can't believe I only have 8 weeks left. Yikes. I don't know what I did last night, but I was in bed on the computer and went to get up to put my computer away and could hardly walk because my pelvis hurt so bad. It hasn't been that bad since I was working. I took a Vicodin because it hurt to just sit there. I slept terrible because of that and my bursitis last night and I'm still really sore today. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary yesterday, so I don't know what the deal is. I'm going to rest for the rest of the day today and see if that makes it any better.

Well, my cats are dying for my attention right now. I'll update again soon.

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